Addax Petroleum Cameroun SA has just renewed her confidence again by signing another multi-million Francs CFA Safety Training contract with the National Offshore Institute of Australia and America Corporation (NOIAA Corp) through its Africa subsidiary NOIAA LTD, Middle East & Africa Operations.

This contract signing ceremony was done between the Chief Executive Officer for NOIAA LTD, Europe, Middle East & Africa Operations, and Mr. Roger BEAUMONT, the General Manager of Addax Petroleum Cameroun SA and who went ahead to say that “Addax Petroleum, like all other oil and gas company around Africa and Middle East, has entrusted NOIAA LTD over the years because NOIAA LTD, Middle East and Africa Operations strategy have qualified instructors permanently based on its MEA Operations office and have proved prudent given the current travel restrictions face by the world.
Also, because NOIAA has invested heavily during this period of COVID-19; on its safety training equipment by renovating and introducing new sophisticated equipment in its Training Centres to carry out all On/offshore Maritime Safety Trainings, Addax Petroleun Cameroun SA has increased its trust on NOIAA.

Addax Petroleum Cameroon SA which is now the largest operator in Cameroon in term of production, with an operating area in the Rio del Rey and Douala basins, with oil and gas production of 105,000 boepd (85,000 barrels per day and 30 million m3 of gas per day), has so much concern on the health and safety of its employees. That is why Addax Petroleum Cameroun SA has chosen NOIAA LTD amongst many other Safety Training Institute to train its staff on the various safety measure particularly Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) before being sent to work offshore.
NOIAA Ltd is committed to offer to Addax Petroleum Cameroun SA the best of the BOSIET Training, since they are expose to high risk. NOIAA is particularly concerned about Safety, satisfaction and wellbeing of its client’s personnel. Due to the high risk and inevitable accidents that may occur in the work environment and or offshore, Addax Petroleum Cameroon SA has embark into some key health and safety policies to keep the lives of the employees safe.
Addax Petroleum Cameroon HSE management is committed to put systems in place to mitigate risk and guarantee transparency and ensure compliance with regulations, environmental, health and safety policies; financial practices and reporting requirements.
Responsible operations ensuring the safety and wellbeing of its workforce, partners and surrounding communities, and minimizing our impact on the environment are key priorities for Addax Petroleum Cameroon SA.
Addax Petroleum Cameroon SA is committed to the health and safety of people, protection of the environment, and compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies.
Addax Petroleum is as well a company with strong values, carried by each employee. Its target for each barrel it produces and deliver is excellent. Addax Petroleum constantly foment innovation in the fields of technology and working methodology. This requirement for innovation also applies to its HSE policy. Addax Petroleum is proactive in terms of risk analysis, training and preventive measures. Above all, they carefully rally their teams in a way that promotes the reporting of information, in order to take account of any incident and to put in place any necessary corrective actions very promptly. Here again, Addax Petroleum very short decision-making process is a real strength.
Due to the high risk and inevitable accidents that may occur in the work environment and or offshore, Addax Petroleum Cameroon SA has embark into some key health and safety policies to keep the lives of the employees safe.
Fire Fighting – BOSIET ADDAX Training at NOIAA LTD