Breaking News!!!! Breaking News!!!! Breaking News. The Cameroon National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH) signs a safety training contract with NOIAA LTD

The Cameroon National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH) has recently signed a safety training contract with NOIAA LTD, Middle East & Africa Operations, located in the West Coast of Cape Limboh, Cameroon. NOIAA LTD is a subsidiary of the National Offshore Institute of Australia and America Corporation (NOIAA Corp), a global offshore training company registered in America and its head office at; 24 25 West Loop South (Suite 100) Houston, Texas 77027 USA.
The contract signed between SNH and NOIAA LTD is to train all SNH employees, Cameroon government ministries and state-owned corporations’ employees who are involve in the oil/gas and maritime sectors. This would include.
- Ministry of transport
- Ministry of environment
- Ministry of commerce
- Ministry of mines, water & energy
- Ministry of mines, industry & technological development
- Ministry of finance
- Hydrac Cameroon etc.
The employees will be trained by NOIAA LTD on Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) in accordance with the mandatory national and international safety standards for those working offshore.
About SNH Representative of the State in the upstream hydrocarbons sector

To accomplish its missions, SNH is empowered to:
- Conduct studies related to hydrocarbons
- Collect and store related information
- Conduct negotiations of oil and gas contracts, in cooperation with the ministries in charge of Mines, Finance, Energy, Economy, Trade and Environment
- Carry out all commercial, fixed and non-fixed assets transactions directly or indirectly related to the corporate purpose
- Carry out all financial operations in connection with the Ministry in charge of Finance
- Monitor the implementation of oil and gas contracts between the State and companies operating in the hydrocarbons sector
- Promote infrastructure creation for the production, transportation, processing and storage of hydrocarbons on the national territory
- Collect natural gas from producing companies and transport thereof to industries, power producers, other eligible customers, distribution companies and processing plants
- Sign, if necessary, contracts with companies active in the field of production, transportation, distribution, processing or storage of hydrocarbons based in Cameroon
- Contribute to the formulation and implementation by the State, of its management policy for the downstream hydrocarbons sector
SNH conducts various actions and projects in line with its missions:
- Demarcation, promotion and allocation of free blocks in the national mining domain
- Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields in association or sole risk, permitting the valorization of national hydrocarbon resources
- Monitoring of associations management in a bid to control oil costs, whose increase has an impact on State revenues
- Monitoring of crude oil lifting activities at terminals
- Conduct of gas projects which aim notably at increasing national electricity supply, in a bid to support the development of the industrial fabric and reduce the deficit in domestic gas supply
- Lifting and marketing the share of national hydrocarbons production accruing to the State, as allocated in the contracts
- Transfer to the Public Treasury, after deducting production costs, of income derived from the sale of hydrocarbons, which contributes to the funding of the State budget
- Management of security stocks of petroleum products to ensure supply in the country in the event of a major contingency
- Conduct of studies and execution of various projects related to its missions in the oil, gas, para-petroleum, as well as related sectors.
NOIAA’s President & Chief Executive Officer held a press briefing in one of the hotels in the capital city of Yaounde after the signing of the contract.
The President and Chief Executive Officer (Mola Chris YOK) indicated that the contract between NOIAA and SNH was signed a few days back by himself and SNH Cameroon Administrator, General Manager (Mr. Adolphe MOUDIKI).

The contract between SNH and NOIAA LTD is renewable every four years in line with the duration of the BOSIET certificate. SNH’s decision to enter into a contract with NOIAA was arrived at after a successful and satisfactory site audit caried out by SNH on NOIAA’s training facilities to ensure that NOIAA was maintaining the national and international offshore safety training standards.
Mola Chris YOK used the medium to send a special thank you to the management of SNH and Mr. Adolphe MOUDIKI for the continuous confidence they have manifested on NOIAA LTD.
NOIAA has invested heavily in ensuring that its training center is of standard with new and modern equipment to aid in the delivery of quality BOSIET training to participants. Approximately three hundred-million-franc CFA was spent alone in 2022 to upgrade the center to one of the modern centers in Africa. NOIAA instructors are qualified safety trainers, some of whom were trained in the UK, USA and UEA.
During the press briefing, the GM in charge of operations for NOIAA Mr. Elliot Campbell SYCAMORE told a journalist that, he was happy to be part of the team of NOIAA especially during this time when NOIAA has heavily invested on its equipment infrastructure by acquiring modern on/offshore safety equipment and also training of both its local and expatriate personnel. Mr. SYCAMORE further expressed his believe that no other maritime safety training company in Africa was comparable to NOIAA LTD.