NOIAA LTD, an On/offshore safety training company in Cameroon has been contracted by the Telecommunication company, SERVITEL to deliver the OPITO IMIST Online training to its employees.
To drive a car you need a driver’s license. And even if you always hope that everything will be OK, you need to be prepared for an emergency: With practical first-aid knowledge and a well stocked first-aid kit in the …
It was on the 15th ,16th and 17th through the 18th and on the 19th and 20th of February 2019 that delegates from the multinational enterprise, WOOD PLC in Cameroon, were trained by NOIAA LTD, an approved training provider for …
The company that took over from NickCery Conglomerate, NOIAA LTD which is also a subsidiary of NOIAA CORP with main office in 2425 West Loop South, Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77027 USA, signed a contract to train ORANGE CAMEROON on …
Most often, safety exists in a silo. This separation from other business processes makes safety vulnerable to fluctuation in priority even for companies who have “Safety-first” as their core value. For most companies safety plays a second fiddle to production. …
With the news of NOIAA CORP (National Offshore Institute of Australia & America Corporation) haven bought over the services of NickCery Conglomerate Inc., TOTAL Cameroon SA thought it wise to be the first to benefit from the services of this …
NOIAA LTD, Africa Operations situated at Cape Limboh – Limbola Limbe II, South Western Cameroon, is a subsidiary of NOIAA Corp, base in 2425 West Loop South (Suite 200) Houston, Texas 77027 USA with extending main office at Level 3, …
From the October 11th to October 12th 2018 was held in PETROCHAD GLENCORE (BADILA) a training entitled CONFINED SPACE RESCUE TEAM. Due to the ongoing operational duties, the training was held at different times of the day depending on the …