LINAFI and NOIAA LTD, sign a Training Service Agreement on STCW basic trainings

Mr. MAAS, further says that the new asset will meet demand for the new training requirements for the maritime industry. Seafarers are required, every five years to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities regarding emergency, occupational safety and survival functions. As of January 1, 2020, seafarers must have documentary evidence of either completing the training course or updating training within the last five years to meet STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping) standards, NOIAA Corp says.
“It is crucial that we are ahead of the game for new regulations coming into place. Although the 2018 Cameroon Government through it ministry STCW deadline seems far off. It is important that individuals schedule the training well in advance before the deadline approaches. As a global company we can offer the STCW refresher training both locally and worldwide, providing our customers with suitable availability to meet their specific needs. We will also be able to increase our company specific scenario based emergency training, giving offshore teams a higher variety of scenarios for real life experience while working together. The objective is clearly not just compliance, but also about competence. At NOIAA LTD, we aim to prepare and better equip each delegate for the challenging working conditions offshore, especially in emergency situations.”
The Director of LINAFI Dr. ETAH Collins AYUK, said during the signing ceremony in his LINAFI office in Limbe II, South West region of Cameroon that, he has confidence on NOIAA LTD, Africa Operations which is a subsidiary of some mother companies based in Houston, Texas USA, in Perth, Australia and in London, UK.
The LINAFI Training Service Agreement Number is 001C/LINAFI/DAF makes this TSA Official this day 16 MAY 2019 between LINAFI and NOIAA LTD.
I am very proud to have awarded this contract to a professional and experienced company like NOIAA and I have no regret to do so and I know my students will be happy.
While Mr. Elliot Campbell SYCAMORE, Sign on behalf of NOIAA LTD, Africa Operations as General Manager, I have no doubt, said Mr. SYCAMORE, we have invested billions of Franc CFA in this continent of Africa and Cameroon in particular. I find it difficult for any of our competitors to invest like us, so why will I be doubting, all the companies that has sign TSA with NOIAA LTD, knows why, they have visited, they saw with their eyes and they come and more will keep coming. It took LINAFI close to two to three years to get this particular Training Service Agreement signed today with us and I knew they would.
Mr. SYCAMORE, continue we are in Africa to invest and make Africa look like Europe, America and the Oceanic, thanks to my direct boss who is a British, Cameroonian from here, NOIAA is not here for a child play, as you can see yourself. We have so many local and international competitors in Cameroon alone and some has been in Cameroon for more than 20 to 30 years and none of them have invested like us but they are out creating problems even want to close us up.
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