NOIAA LTD leverages OPITO IMIST(International Minimum Industry Safety Training) to SERVITEL’s workers

NOIAA LTD, an On/offshore safety training company in Cameroon has been contracted by the Telecommunication company, SERVITEL to deliver the OPITO IMIST Online training to its employees.
The telecom giant SERVITEL, is committed to improving the health and safety standards of its workers
by providing them with outstanding level of basic safety training all in an attempt to drive a safer environment for all its workers during operations in its premises. For this reason SERVITEL contracted NOIAA LTD, an IMIST affiliate partner in Cameroon to deliver the IMIST online course to its employees.
The IMIST course is an interactive online OPITO-approved training programme which supports the global Oil and Gas Industry to meet safety initiative targets. The objective of the training course is to ensure that employees have the necessary safety awareness and training to reduce risk and ultimately reduce the number of incidents making sure workers can return home safe at the end of the day. The course assesses basic safety knowledge in nine subject areas including risk assessment, asset integrity, the use of hazardous substances, working at height and mechanical lifting among other subjects.
All candidates who successfully complete the course are issued an Atlas Learning certificate approved by OPITO for International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST).
The OPITO International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST) is highly recommended for all inexperienced employees in the Oil & Gas Industry who have not completed any previous basic safety training. Some Oil and Gas companies Worldwide require job seekers to have the OPITO IMIST certificate as a prerequisite to make a hire. Obtaining the OPITO IMIST certificate is an added advantage to anyone determined to pursue a career in the Oil and Gas industry or a career in HSE.
If you are interested in taking the OPITO IMIST Online certification and you don’t know how and where to get started, call us right away on +237 69978958 or write us to NOIAA LTD, is an official IMIST affiliate partner in Cameroon and we deliver the IMIST online course at our training center.